13 August 2007


In the second of a...well...two-part series on Google searches, I present the latest random search that led someone to this page: a Dutch gentleman (or perhaps a lady) in Utrecht searches for "barbie grits winkle" at 5:03 a.m. and lands here instead.

Can someone out there can clue me in to the hidden meaning of the phrase "barbie grits winkle"? Is it simply a random collection of unrelated words or is it some universal mystery that no one is destined to uncover?

Google Image Search appears to lean towards the former.

1 comment:

Ian Varley said...

You should try Googlewhacking sometime: http://www.googlewhack.com/

It's not as dirty as it sounds. Well, it doesn't have to be, anyway.

The closest I could come with a thematic component was hominy brainlessly at 138 results.